3.4 The Egg Code
The basic data concerning concentrations, stages of development (age) and form (floe size) of ice are contained in a simple oval form. A maximum of three ice types is described within the oval. This oval and the coding associated with it, are referred to as the "Egg Code". To indicate ice observations interpreted from radar imagery, the oval shall be omitted.
In the following figures and tables where ranges are shown for thickness, floe sizes or other dimensions, a report coinciding with the end point of a range shall be coded as the higher value.
The following is a summary diagram of the Egg Code. This code conforms to international convention and shall be used in coding all visual sea ice and lake ice observations without exception.
Figure 3.1: The Egg Code
The symbols Ca Cb Cc and Fa Fb Fc correspond to Sa Sb Sc respectively.
There are some minor additions to the egg code symbology that are Canadian practice. In Canada, to enable the reporting of additional ice classes, especially during freeze-up and break-up, Cd Se and Fe can be used. This should not be a common occurrence.
The following pages describe the specific details and rules for completing each level of information within the egg.
3.4.1 Concentration (C)
Total concentration (Ct) of ice in the area reported in tenths and partial concentrations of thickest (Ca), second thickest (Cb), third thickest (Cc) and fourth thickest (Cd) ice in tenths.
3.4.2 Stage of Development (S)
Stage of development of thickest (So), second thickest (Sa), third thickest (Sb) and fourth thickest (Sc) ice and the thinner ice types Sd and Se, of which the concentrations are reported by Ca Cb CcCd respectively.
Reference to thicker ice should be understood to mean older ice and conversely, thinner ice to mean younger ice types.
Ice is designated as Sea, Lake or River Ice depending on where it forms. In Canada, the practice is to use lake-ice coding to report ice in the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway. Elsewhere, including the St. Lawrence River east of Montreal, sea-ice coding is used for stages of development.
Sa, Sb and Sc shall have concentrations of at least 1/10, except when Ct is zero (see Example 1, sec. 3.8).
Reporting of Sa, Sb and Sc should generally be restricted to a maximum of three significant classes. In exceptional cases further classes may be reported as follows:
So - Stage of ice development thicker than Sa, but having a concentration less than 1/10 (see Example 6, sec. 3.8).
Sd - Stage of development of the thickest remaining ice types (if more than one type remains). It is the fourth stage present after Sa, Sb and Sc.
Se - Shall only be reported when a thinner ice type remains after Sd. Partial concentration of Se is obtained by subtracting partial concentrations (CaCbCcCd) from total concentration (Ct) (see Example 2, sec. 3.8).
When Se is not present, Sd may be a trace of ice (see Example 6, sec. 3.8).
Concentration shall not be indicated for So and Se (see Example 2, sec. 3.8, and Example 6, sec. 3.8).
Concentration shall not be indicated for Sd when Se is not present (see Example 3, sec. 3.8, and Example 5, sec. 3.8).
Table 3.1: Coding for Sea-Ice Stages of Development (SoSaSbScSdSe)
New ice | < 10 cm | 1 |
Nilas, Ice rind | < 10 cm | 2 |
Young Ice | 10 - 30 cm | 3 |
Grey Ice | 10 - 15 cm | 4 |
Grey-white ice | 15 - 30 cm | 5 |
First-year ice | >= 30 cm | 6 |
Thin first-year ice | 30 - 70 cm | 7 |
First stage thin first-year | 30 - 50 cm | 8 |
Second stage thin first-year | 50 - 70 cm | 9 |
Medium first-year ice | 70 - 120 cm | 1· |
Thick first-year ice | > 120 cm | 4· |
Old ice | 7· | |
Second-year ice | 8· | |
Multi-year ice | 9· | |
Ice of land origin | · | |
Undetermined or unknown | X· |
Table 3.2: Coding for Lake-Ice Stages of Development (SoSaSbScSdSe)
New lake ice | < 5 cm | 1 |
Thin lake ice | 5 -15 cm | 4 |
Medium lake ice | 15 - 30 cm | 5 |
Thick lake ice | 30 -70 cm | 7 |
Very thick lake ice | > 70 cm | 1· |
Notes for Tables 3.1 and 3.2:
On the horizontal line giving So Sa Sb Sc Sd, only one dot (·) shall be placed to indicate the distinction between classes of ice. Every coded figure to the left of the (·) is understood to have the (·) as part of its code (see Examples 2, 3 and 6, sec. 3.8).
Codes 3 and 6 shall only appear on Canadian charts if the ISS cannot confidently determine the stages of the ice in the area observed.
Codes 8 and 9 shall only appear when measurements have been taken.
Codes 8· and 9· shall normally appear on Canadian charts only from 01 October to 31 December, but if the ISS is confident of the report, it may be used throughout the year, otherwise 7· is used.
The symbol · shall only be used within the egg and when the concentration of ice of land origin is 1/10 or more.
The symbol X (meaning "undetermined") shall be used to designate stages of development or forms of ice only if it is impossible to specify otherwise.
3.4.3 Form of Ice (F)
Floe Size corresponding to Sa Sb Sc Sd and Se (when Sd and Se are greater than a trace).
WMO International procedures also permit reporting of Fp and Fs as the primary and secondary forms of all the ice without reference to stage of development.
It is Canadian practice to report FaFbFcas predominant floe sizes of Sa Sb Sc respectively. This makes it necessary, when only Sa and Sb are present, that Fa and Fb shall be followed by a dash (-) where Fc would normally appear (see Example 7, sec. 3.8).
Table 3.3: Coding for Form of Ice (FaFbFcFdFe)
Pancake ice | 0 | |
Small ice cake, brash ice, agglomerated brash | < 2m | 1 |
Ice cake | 2 - 20 m | 2 |
Small floe | 20 - 100 m | 3 |
Medium floe | 100 - 500 m | 4 |
Big floe | 500 - 2000 m | 5 |
Vast floe | 2 - 10 km | 6 |
Giant floe | > 10 km | 7 |
Fast ice | 8 | |
Icebergs | 9 | |
Undetermined, unknown or no form | X |
Notes for Table 3.3
Width refers to the maximum horizontal extent.
At least one code 8 must be used for fast or consolidated ice. Other ice types embedded may retain their floe size (see Example 9, sec. 3.8).
Occasionally the stage of development of fast ice cannot be determined. The area shall be blackened-in to denote fast ice (see Table 3.9).
New sea ice does not have a definite form; therefore, when this stage of development occurs as Sa, Sb or Sc, the symbol X shall be used to designate floe size (see Example 4, sec. 3.8).
Floe size is not included for So, Sd and Se if the concentration of these ice types is less than 1/10. Otherwise floe sizes for Sd and Se are optional.
If there is a significant variation in floe sizes in an area containing only one particular ice type, the ISS may enter the applicable floe-size Categories in the lowest part of the oval reserved for floe size. The largest floe-size category shall be put on the left side within the oval, followed by the other applicable floe sizes. In this case, the partial concentrations listed (Ca Cb Cc Cd) would match the partial concentration of floe sizes, instead of different ice types.
3.4.4 Coding and Symbology for Strips and Patches
The symbol, placed at the bottom of the oval in the section reserved for Form of Ice, indicates that the ice is in strips and patches; the concentration within the strips and patches is represented by C. (see Example 11, sec. 3.8).
When strips and patches are observed in open-water areas, the symbol shall be placed to denote the position of the strips and patches. If the ice in the strips and patches is of the same composition as that inside an adjacent ice edge, no oval is required. If the ice in the strips and patches is of a different composition, an oval shall be used with an arrow or arrow(s) to the strips-and-patches symbol(s). To avoid confusion, the strip symbol must be included with the total concentration (see Example 10, sec. 3.8).
In an area where the ice is arranged in strips and patches and the ice floes are medium or greater, the floe size shall be indicated by using two ovals. The floe sizes are indicated as normal in the first oval, with the symbol placed between the first and second ovals. The symbol is repeated in the second oval beside the total concentration of the strips and patches (see Example 12a, sec. 3.8).
An alternate way of reporting the same situation as above:
In an area where the ice is arranged in strips and patches and the ice floes are medium or greater, the floe sizes shall be indicated as normal. Both the total concentration and the concentration within the strips will be placed in the space reserved for Ct , with the symbol between them. When this option is used, Ca Cb Cc and possibly Cd refer to the total concentration and not the concentration within the strips. For example, Ct can be reported as 2 9 meaning the total concentration is 2 tenths with strips of 9 tenths and the partial concentration(s) shall equal 2 tenths (see Example 12b, sec. 3.8).
In an area of ice where some thicker ice type(s) is (are) embedded as strips and patches, these shall be indicated by the use of two ovals. The overall partial concentrations of the ice types are indicated in the first oval and the concentrations within the strips and patches are indicated in the second oval. The symbol shall be placed between the two ovals and along with the total concentration in the second oval (see Example 13, sec. 3.8).
3.4.5 Coding for Brash
If 1 tenth or more of brash is present, it will always be Ca.
If brash is present, Sa will always be a dash (-), otherwise the normal table is to be used.
Brash is already indicated in the table as 1, therefore Fa = 1 confirms the dash (-) for Sa.
Four digits ( VKMT ) shall be added below the oval to indicate the thickness concentration breakdown of the brash that is present. Table 3.4 (below) shows the thickness Categories for agglomerated brash. The breakdown shall be entered going from right ( T ) to left ( V ). In the case where there is no thickness for thin but there are entries for medium, thick and very thick a zero (0) shall be placed in the thin column. This also holds true for medium ( M ) and thick ( K ) regardless of the combination (see Example 14, to Example 17, sec. 3.8).
Table 3.4: Thickness Categories for Brash (VKMT)
Very Thick (V) | > 4m |
Thick (K) | > 2 - 4m |
Medium (M) | 1 - 2m |
Thin (T) | < 1m |
Ca = V + K + M + T